Day 3...

Well it's been 3 great days in Florence so far. Lots of sightseeing, lots of photos, meeting great people, both locals and foreigners, I am loving it here. This was a good choice, moving from the big city to the art city, I am happy.
After a night of thunderstorms, the sky is clear and the air is fresh. I met an American woman this morning for a house/pet sitting job the last two weeks of December. That would definitely solve my housing situation for the last few days of December. She has one dog and one cat, and will be returning to NYC with her family.
I am currently living at via G. Modena, 10 minutes from the centre, with an amazing view of the Duomo from the living room. The owner of the apartment is Letizia and I have the best roommate a girl could ask for, a black cat named Micia, who likes to join me in the middle of the night in my bed.
I start Italian lessons next Monday at Istituto il David, near Repubblica on via Vecchieti. It will be an intense 4 hrs per day, Monday to Friday, for one month. By then I should be fluent...well, not really, but it's a great start. Then I'll decide what steps I want to take next, maybe continue with school, or take a small adventure to another country for a short period of time. Next stops - Paris, Berlin and Oslo, those are my top 3 destinations at the moment.
I'm really happy with my decision to move to Florence, even if it's for a short period of time. This city is beautiful with so much to see and do, and Florentines are such nice people. Taking lots of photos and will upload more to this blog later. I unfortunately don't have internet in my apartment, so am often at the web cafes, so time is running out and I will head home for some lunch.
A dopo, Kristi
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