Typical Day in Florence

* Wake up at 8am (this is the view from my apartment which I share with Micia the cat, and of course, her owner, Letizia - take note of the Duomo in the background to the left)
* Breakfast of warm milk and biscuits (there are these delicious little cookies at the market which are perfect with milk and just about anything!)
* Write in my journal for 1hr or thereabouts
* Visit the web cafe to check emails, update my blog, surf the web, etc.
* Head to town and walk around, grab coffee, shop, sightsee, take photos, meet more people
* Walk back home and play with Micia
* Rest for a bit, have some lunch/dinner
* Head back to town for more sightseeing, picture taking, maybe meet a friend for aperitivo and just enjoy the night
Alas, things change next week, when classes start bright and early Monday morning, 9am to 1pm. 4 weeks of fun!
Catching the Eurostar train to Milan in a few hours. All packed, ready to go!
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