Bangs à la Gwen

I got a haircut today, blunt bangs, just like Gwen. Love it!
I found a gym, KLab, and have my first session tomorrow. It's a beautiful studio, new equipment, spa, sauna, steam room, turkish bath. The only thing is, I don't like the price... 440€ for 3 months! Ouch!! But, I've been told it's the best gym in the city and when you walk in, you definitely feel motivated to get your 'sweat on.' So tomorrow, I'm meeting Tania at 11am (she's already a member there) and we're going to work out together.
I was studying at the bookstore today and met a Sicilian girl named Anna Maria. She now lives in Rome and works for Alitalia, so she's travelled the world and speaks several languages. Her English was perfect, as she used to live in London. After a few hours, we exchanged telephone numbers and emails, and maybe in the spring I will visit her in Rome. It will be nice to return to that city.
More great news, I found a webcafe that has unlimited use and unlimited international telephone calls for 1€/day, so I no longer feel stressed spending 5-7€/day on internet with time limits. Made a quick call to mom to check out the line, and it worked! I am pleased.
Time to head home, cook up some pasta, and hit the books!
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