Winter Wonderland

No snow in Florence, unlike the westcoast of Canada, but still, the city is so beautiful at this time of the year. I took this photo last night when I was out with some girls from school. We were on a walking tour near Ponte Vecchio, just after having lunch. I can't wait to see this city completely lit up for Christmas. Just last night the city workers were putting up the lights near Duomo.
Already my time in Italy is going by fast. Can't believe it's already been 6 weeks! School is fine, not nearly as challenging as I was hoping, maybe I just need to be patient and see how it is later this week. There are some girls who speak quite well after studying for only a couple of months, so there is hope.
The long weekend is coming up, it falls on December 8, so I will be heading back to Milan to see friends. Another fun weekend!
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