Veni, Vidi, Vici...

Ha ha, who I am kidding with the "vici" bit... I have yet to conquer this language, as I continue to live in fear of my Italian grammar book. Another set of pronouns to learn, more prepositions, maybe even a future future tense? It's funny how an inanimate object can stir such negative emotion inside me, but it does. So when I drop the book and "accidentally" kick it under my bed (gotta put the steel toes on for this one!), I feel it a little well deserved.
And now I know why school is only 2 hours a day, because it's next to impossible! In just 2 1/2 weeks we are onto our seventh, yes seventh!, tense. Today we learned "il condizionale semplice e composto (passato)", but let me tell you, there is nothing "simple" about this tense. These Italians make it sound so easy, but I am not believing it for a minute. :o) Emma, my classmate, and I look at eachother in disbelief, shrug our shoulders in tandem, and for a few moments, are speechless. We can't even form a sentence in English at this point, let alone Italian! But we move on, knowing that in only a few hours, we will be in the presence of some gallo nero, compliments of the Chianti region.
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