Oh No!!! x 3
Today started great. I woke up early but felt a little lazy. Instead of going to the gym, I went to get a haircut, just a trim. Instead of having my usual stylist, it was someone else. After waiting nearly 45mins just to have the trim, it was quickly all over, but unfortunately, along with it went a lot of my hair!! The stylist unfortunately cut about two inches too much. It's cute, but it's a little short for me, it will take a while to get used to it.

"Oh no!!!" #2 involved Sisley, Benetton's "bigger sister." I tried on a bunch of clothes, all on sale, including a grey cashmere/wool blend button down long-sleeve sweater, and a pair of grey wool knee shorts. For only 29,80Euro for the outfit, I couldn't go wrong. It fit like a tee and I had to have it. Unfortunately, I didn't have any money in my wallet, so I told the salesgirl I would be back after visiting the ATM. She put the clothes off to the side... va bene!! But when I returned with cash in hand, the clothes were sold to someone else. I couldn't believe it, but I guess if you snooze, you lose! Povre Kristi!!
But the last and most important "Oh no!!!" involved dropping my beloved Canon Elph SD30 on the ground and busting the lens. I've gone on the Canon website but all they can suggest is to take it in for repair. I don't quite think that's an option here in Italy, and unfortunately, with my warranty papers being in Canada, there isn't anything I can do but fix it myself with a little screwdriver (and hammer! haha), or buy a new one.
A very, very sad day indeed. But one good thing... I leave you with these wonderful chalk portraits by Japanese street painters in the centre of Florence, the exact spot where I broke my trusty sidekick.

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