My Words (Le Mie Parole)

Some of the most beautiful words in English are equally, if not more, beautiful in Italian. My favourites are:
wave - onda
shadow - ombra
soul - anima
breath - respiro
light - luce
together - insieme
sunrise - alba
sunset - tramonto
To hear the word "tramonto" is one thing, but to experience it here in Florence from Ponte Santa Trinita... stunning.
But the most magnetic words of all are the ones where two are combined into one... ascoltami, raccontarti, stanotte...
shadow - ombra
soul - anima
breath - respiro
light - luce
together - insieme
sunrise - alba
sunset - tramonto
To hear the word "tramonto" is one thing, but to experience it here in Florence from Ponte Santa Trinita... stunning.
But the most magnetic words of all are the ones where two are combined into one... ascoltami, raccontarti, stanotte...
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